Your Voice
it's time to JumpStart with
Are you tired of looking for vocal coaching videos on YouTube?
Struggling to develop your vocal confidence all on your own?
Wish you had a safe environment to grow and nurture your voice in worship without judgement?
If this is you, your search is over. YourVoice JumpStart+ is for you!
What exactly is YourVoice JumpStart+?

> It’s our online course that has already launched so many into tremendous vocal growth!
Real People, Real Voices!
Hear testimonials from YourVoice Students.

> When you get started today, you will get EVERYTHING you need to start growing exponentially in your vocal growth and your development as a worship minister!
YourVoice JumpStart+ dispels the myth that singing is only for an elite, select few (especially in the worship space).
With this course (plus your commitment - don’t neglect that!), you can be exposed to the singing ability that has always been inside you.
The content is already prepped - it’s easily understood and very simply implemented (we’ve cut out all the unnecessary technical jargon that does you no good).

The rest is in your hands.
Are you ready to commit to your journey of vocal growth?
Hear what our students have to say...
urgent message
Dear emerging worship minister,
If you want to experience significant growth both skillfully and spiritually on your journey in leading others into worship, YourVoice JumpStart+ is how.

You might not expect this, but:
I’m really not looking for the vocalists that already feel like they have it all together.
I’m not necessarily looking for the renowned worship leaders that travel across the world.
I’m not even necessarily looking for the people that already call themselves “worship leaders.”
I'm looking for those who are tired of:
Comparing their voices to everyone else’s
The fear of not being good enough
Obstacles to vocal growth (not being able to increase vocal range, agility, and power)
Making excuses about not beginning the journey of growing as a vocalist
And those who desire to
Make real impact in their communities through worship
Stand out for what is pure and authentic in the modern worship scene
Break the ceiling on their vocal and spiritual development as worshipers
Hone and appreciate their OWN voices
See? You’ll fit right in. Don’t count yourself out…
Today you can receive:
Instructional videos that span topics from vocal resonance to agility and confidence, an additional e-book for great note-taking and interaction with the material, AND the opportunity to actively practice and self-monitor your progress with quizzes and coaching videos!

This is a $1499 value that you can have TODAY for JUST $437!
convinced yet?
You don’t want to miss this opportunity.
To ensure your success and to enhance your learning... I have included never-before-seen coaching material!

Have you ever asked yourself:
How can I grow my voice when I don’t know much music theory?
What’s the deal with drinking tea all the time?
I feel like I’m tone deaf - is there hope for me? Can I work on that?
Be honest, don’t be shy.
If you’ve asked yourself any version of the above, know that you are not alone.​
It doesn’t matter whether or not you know a single piece of music theory
It doesn’t matter whether or not you believe you are tone deaf… Doesn’t even matter if people have told you that you are
It doesn’t matter whether or not you know what teas to drink
I’ve demystified everything you have ever been told about vocal health, music theory, and training your ear. None of it is as daunting as it seems!
At YourVoice Studios we teach that confidence in worship comes primarily from a true, pure devotion to God. We also teach that confidence comes from you knowing your stuff.
​So… we want to see you know your stuff! We want you to develop a mastery of your voice.
I was once in your exact position. With a burning sense of God calling me and desiring to develop me in ministering to people through worshiping Him with my voice. I didn’t know how to move forward or make progress. I felt like I hit a ceiling that my voice would never break through. I felt like I would never find the freedom/expression in my voice that I’d seen others before me achieve. I would search things up online, which would feel promising because of all the information available…

But frustrating because:
It’s difficult to tell what works and what doesn’t
It's difficult to organize and digest information in order to effectively put it into practice
No one’s there growing alongside with you, so the journey becomes discouraging.
and...drum roll please...​
reason #3
reason #2
reason #1
We never want to see any of our students stuck for any of these reasons.
So we've done something about it
Yes - YourVoice JumpStart+ invites you into a live-action feel that will help you digest what you learn to put it into practice, show you that you are learning techniques that work (with practice), and expose you to real people who are on the same journey that you are on. It's one thing to work on your voice. It's another thing to do so with a sense of patience, trust, and community - and this is what YourVoice JumpStart+ provides.
Now, I know you are asking: how? Here's how. This package will give you access to exclusive live session recordings (from past live sessions), led by me! You can listen in to practical discussions and demonstrations for each topic's material. You don't have to feel like you're slow, confused about where to start, or not cut out for this journey when you can witness others just like you putting in the time and effort to break the glass ceiling.
Hopefully you can tell by now that we care about our students here at YourVoice Studios.
If you can't tell, we'll prove it to you.
Remember how I talked about “the opportunity to actively practice and self-monitor your progress with quizzes and vocal exercise videos”?
What I didn’t mention is this really cool function called YourTurn, where you are prompted to take two simple actions: record yourself singing, and listen to the recording.
Make no mistake, this alone will do WONDERS for your growth.
Because every growing vocalist NEEDS to hear him/herself sing.
It sounds obvious, but it’s not. You won’t grow if you aren’t given the opportunity to put what you have learned into actual - audible and visible - practice.
So we’ve got that covered for you.
After each topic, you’ll have YourTurn to record yourself putting into practice what you’ve learned.
You can record whatever you want.
It may sometimes be cringy, but it will be worth it.

It will further enhance your journey of vocal growth, confidence, ownership, mastery, and purity.
How’s that for the cherry on top?!

Oh! One last thing!
It's so good I had to make a video!
- Best Value!
YourVoice Breakthrough
1,000$ÂHealing and Accessing Your Powerful VoiceÂ- Simple, yet dynamic vocal exercises that WORK!
- Access to exclusive live session recordings!
- Bonus material: vocal health & basic ear training!
- Ability to record your progress at the end of each module!
- Fun quizzes to enhance your learning!
- Practical discussions and demonstrations of each topic!
YourVoice Breakthrough
550$Every 2 monthsHealing and Accessing Your Powerful VoiceValid for 4 monthsYourVoice Breakthrough
150$Every 2 weeksHealing and Accessing Your Powerful VoiceValid for 16 weeks